5 Ways to Practice Mindfulness Today

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment through a gentle, nurturing lens.

Mindfulness also involves acceptance and requires us to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging, analyzing, or forcing them—we don’t have to find a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment, we just allow. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.

Mindfulness may sound simple, but it can be challenging—especially if we’ve become swept up in the whirlwind of productivity and multi-tasking. Mindfulness takes practice like anything at which we want to become better. Here are 5 ways to start bringing mindfulness into your day.

1. Pay attention to your breath

Noticing your breath is a great starting point for practicing mindfulness. Try turning your attention to the physical sensation of your breath without trying to control or manipulate your breathing. Instead of grabbing your phone, you could set aside a couple of minutes to practice while waiting for a red light to change. As you take a breath, try to feel the air moving into, around, and out of your body. Notice the pause at the top of the inhale and the pause at the bottom of the exhale before you move into your next breath. Just notice without trying to make adjustments.

2. Try a “body scan”

We tend to tune into or out of our physical sensations during times of pain or discomfort. Why not try tuning in at other times of the day. Begin by closing your eyes and focusing on the top of your head. As you travel down the body, notice places of tension or ease. Slowly scan all the way to your feet and back up again.

3. Listen to the world around you

Turning attention outward to listen to what’s happening around us is as important as tuning in. It can feel like there is constant background noise in our world. While there is music and voices and alarms to hear, there are also more subtle sounds to which we can focus on our attention. While you are sitting or moving through your day, try to notice sounds from within your body, sounds in your immediate environment, and sounds beyond your current space. Bring no judgment, just listen.

4. Take a mindfulness walk

Mindfulness doesn’t just happen while we are sitting still or lying down. Walking can be a great form of meditation, especially for those of us who are kinesthetes and process the world through movement. You can take a mindfulness walk by simply bringing yourself onto a path—in the woods, on a city street, or in your yard. Whether it’s an intentional labyrinthian journey, a walking commute, or a stroll in the park, there are opportunities to notice the space around you, the way that your legs need to bend in order to move forward, the weight of your feet, and the breath that accompanies your pace.

5. Practice some lovingkindness

The meditation practice called lovingkindness, thought to have originated in ancient India before the time of the Buddha, is about feeling the love — for yourself and others. It’s an affirmation to offer yourself, loved ones, friends, community members, and even your “precious jewels”—those people who are hard to love, but may actually need the most love. This form of meditation can support self-compassion and cultivate compassion for others.

Take your time bringing mindfulness into your life; try to add even a small practice to your day. It’s been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, and boost mood. There's also evidence that mindfulness can lower blood pressure and improve sleep. It may even help people cope with pain.

Start somewhere, but start. Namaste.


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