Health Coaching for Couples

One of the questions on the Health History form potential clients fill out is “Will others in your life support the changes you want to make?” Most people I coach have answered “YES",” but some are lukewarm on that prospect. Making change in life isn’t easy, especially not for our families and loved ones as it can upset the systems that are in place to keep things rolling at a steady pace throughout our weeks. When we step back, we might see that these systems aren’t always designed for our personal success and well-being, but for the ease of everyone’s life around us. I know firsthand what it feels like to take care of everyone but myself. I did that for the first several years of parenthood and it earned me an off-the-charts stress level that manifested as a physical injury. I needed more support from my immediate family.

“Put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting others,” “You can’t pour from an empty cup…” there are many axioms we use to remind us the importance of taking care of ourselves first so that we may better to offer love and care to others. And many of those are easier said than done when it comes to shaking up routines and systems that no longer serve us.

When I was rehabilitating from the aforementioned lifestyle/stress injury, I had to carefully guard the time I had created for physical therapy and self-care. My partner didn’t like that I wasn’t willing to resign myself to the couch anymore at night to watch TV or stay in the kitchen till all hours cleaning up after everyone. My primary goal for the first few months was to get myself out of pain. In making that regular space to improve my physical being I was met with much resistance because my choices flipped the system on its head. I wished I’d had more support and encouragement on that challenging road to recovery. I’d wished that I could’ve built myself back WITH my partner.

Which brings me to the advantages of Couples Health Coaching. As my clients explore their paths for creating sustainable behavior changes and moving into healthier lifestyles, I am encouraged by those who have a supportive partner in their life. I don’t have statistics, but I would bet that the changes they make are more likely to be sustained if their partner is on board. As with any accountability partner, we are encouraged when someone is WITH us on this journey, cheering us on and not pushing against our efforts, sabotaging our goals, or secretly hoping that we’ll fail.

As I expand into Couples Health Coaching offerings, I see opportunities to encourage growth in physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual health. It’s important to note that I am not a couples counselor or relationship coach, though I do have plenty of life experience in relationships. The majority of my expertise lies in culinary, nutrition, and movement guidance. I feel confident coaching couples towards making better food choices and creating time to cook together. I also feel well versed in helping people bring more playfulness into their relationships (whether it’s through my Partner Yoga classes or resources and ideas for playful movement and activities in the community), exploring sexuality, building a toolbox for emotional intelligence, and establishing quality social or one-on-one time. I want to help couples become aligned in their health and wellness goals, which can be a cornerstone of a strong relationship.

The possibilities are yours to create! Wishing you the courage today to bring your partner into your vision for better health. Learn more about my Couples Health Coaching program!


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