Mission and Vision
EatMoveMKE strives to serve by providing cooking and food preservation classes, leading yoga and creative movement practices, offering health coaching services, and promoting community wellness. We organize original, from-scratch, low-waste/no-waste culinary classes; yoga sessions; and private or group coaching options as a way to build healthier communities.
EatMoveMKE hopes to not only challenge ourselves to grow our skills in the food and physical fitness realms, but to encourage people to value cooking for themselves, to motivate them to put their bodies into motion every day, to help them examine what’s feeding them OFF their plates, and to connect them with support and encouragement from their communities.
We work to solve problems for the greater good by encouraging people to support local food producers and creatives; by sharing skills needed to feed body and mind with fresh, whole foods; by helping them stay motivated, challenged, and evolving with daily movement and play; and by reminding them how vital a strong village and community are for sharing resources and finding personal support.
We hope to inspire people to try new foods, recipes, and cooking techniques and create less waste; to honor our amazing bodies of all shapes, sizes, and abilities and explore how they can move better with regular self-care; and to nurture a community mindset to improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being.