Yoga & Movement Classes
As a yoga instructor, dancer, runner, acroyogini, and capoeirista, Annie is familiar with various movement patterns and modalities.
She was trained in the Sivananda style of yoga which focuses on the 5 points of yoga (proper exercises—asana, proper breathing—pranayama, proper relaxataion—savasana, proper diet—vegetarian, and positive thinking and meditation—vedanta and dhyana), the 4 Paths of Yoga (Karma Yoga—the Yoga of Action, Bhakti Yoga—the Yoga of Devotion, Raja Yoga—the Yoga of Meditation, and Jnana Yoga—the Yoga of Knowledge), the 12 Basic Asanas, and the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar). When possible, she combines this traditional style of practice with core-strengthening and dance-influenced movements.
EatMoveMKE’s Partner Yoga classes are rooted in a desire to encourage adults to bring play into their lives, create a safe space for unique connection, and help people use and understand non-verbal communication.
Annie continues to play, move, and train regularly to challenge herself and find inspiration to expand her guided practices.
See a list of Annie’s upcoming yoga, meditation and movement classes here.

“Yoga is not for the flexible. It’s for the willing.”
— Anonymous