“My coach was encouraging, a good listener, and knowledgeable. I created an awareness of my body and an awareness that all is connected—stress, sleep, eating, exercise. Small steps lead to bigger changes!”
—Mary D. Health Coaching Client, Milwaukee
“The biggest tangible changes I had since the beginning of the [6-month Health Coaching] program were noticing habits, celebrating small victories and wins, and being more kind to myself.
As a coach, Annie is grounded, self-aware, encouraging, real, inspirational, and motivating.”
—Amy W., Health Coaching Client, Milwaukee
“My coach was able to help me work toward my goals by offering resources and sharing her own journey and struggle in similar areas.
I increased my awareness of how I feel physically and emotionally and decreased spending on frivolous things. I also increased my activity level.
The most significant overall change I’ve noticed has been an improved attitude towards aging--acceptance and increased comfort with where am at this juncture in my life.
My coach was supportive, inspirational, generous with resources, and inclusive.
I would recommend [Annie] to anyone searching for guidance and support towards more health and ease in life.
I have found the time working together to be valuable and memorable. The ideas and suggestions will carry on and stay with me as I continue to work towards more health and connectedness.”
—Amy P. Health Coaching Client, Milwaukee
“Annie was able to help work towards my primary goals by serving as an objective voice, allowing me to be heard, and providing helpful resources. She also served as an accountability partner.
”I can’t believe the amount of progress I have made on tertiary goals, which have improved my health.
“The most significant overall change I’ve noticed is a feeling of accomplishment, relief, and confidence.
Annie is empathetic, intelligent, and well-informed. Here talents and skills are ubiquitous; she has a lot to offer.”
Bernadette S., Health Coaching Client, Milwaukee
“I’ve taken several of Annie’s classes and have learned everything from basic food preservation techniques, knife skills and making pasta from scratch to how to become a more confident gardener and smarter food consumer, and how to feed myself and loved ones tasty, nutritious meals while on a budget. I found all of Annie’s classes to be full of valuable information, and I’ve saved all of the course handouts and refer to them often as I cook and preserve my own food.”
–Laura M., Milwaukee
“Annie's yoga classes are a delight, whether in a classroom or online from her home studio. Her instructions are clear and easy to follow, and with modifications, to do a little less or a little more, are suitable for every student from beginner to advanced. The combination of asanas and pranayama in Annie's classes is the best recipe for a sound mind and body.”
—Kate R., Milwaukee
“Annie’s classes are the best! I’ve been to many and have enjoyed them all. She’s a great teacher and I look forward to attending more of her classes. Her vast knowledge of cooking, gardening, canning … are tops!”
–Rudy K., Milwaukee
“Solid, thoughtful, conscientious teacher. Annie makes her sessions so enjoyable and informative. Thank you for being so devoted to your community during difficult times.”
—B. Swider, Milwaukee
“I always leave Annie’s yoga classes feeling relaxed and with a good energy. The stretches, breathing exercises and strength poses all contribute to an enjoyable workout. Her class is non-judgmental and not overly chatty with instructions.”
J. Meagher